WELL HEAR (Macau) Hearing Centre Company Ltd.
  • (853)2883 2010


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There are things you can do, and things others can do, to help you communicate more easily – with or without hearing aids.

Effective communicate strategies

  • Tell others that you have a hearing loss and let them know how they can help (e.g. make sure you have my attention before speaking to me, speak slower, look directly at me).

  • Keep background noise to a minimum – turn down the radio and television when you’re talking, and avoid fans or other noisy devices during conversations.

  • Move closer to the person speaking and position yourself so you can always see them.

  • In large groups, position yourself in the center. At large gatherings, such as church services or lectures, sit at the front of the room. Use an assistive listening device such as inductive loop system, if available

How family and friends can help

  • Reduce background noise by turning down the television or radio, turning off the dishwasher, fan and other noisy devices..

  • Try to have only one person speaking at a time in large groups, when possible.

  • Get the listener’s attention before you begin speaking.

  • Do not cover your mouth or chew gum or food when speaking.

  • Reduce the distance between you and the listener. Look directly at the person when speaking.

  • Ensure conversation areas are well lit so the listener can watch facial expressions and lips.

  • Avoid conversations in the car where it is difficult to hear between the front and back seats or to read lips.

  • Speak at a normal conversational level, avoiding loud, exaggerated speech.


Taking care of your hearing aids

Taking good care of your hearing aids can help extend their life and ensure they continue to perform well. Here are some useful tips.


Clean your hearing aids every day. Use a soft cloth, tissue or special hearing aid brush to wipe the outside. Never use alcohol or cleansers. They harm the internal components and circuitry.

Use a wax loop or brush to remove ear wax and other debris. Never use a straight pin or other sharp object to clean wax from your hearing aids.

Care and cleaning of BTE and RIC product

Care and cleaning of ITE product


Use a dehumidifier kit regularly to prevent moisture from entering the hearing aids and damaging the components.

Do not get hearing aids wet. Remove hearing aids when swimming, showering, perspiring, etc.

Open the battery doors when they’re not in use.

Store hearing aids in a cool, dry place. Protect your hearing aids from excessive heat (e.g. hair dryer, cooking stove etc.).

Avoid dropping or banging your hearing aids on hard surfaces.



Replace behind-the-ear earmoulds or ITE shell when they become dry, cracked, stiff or discolored.

Take your hearing aids to your hearing fitting centre for regular servicing and performance checks.

How to change wax guard on RIC product

How to change wax guard on ITE product


Store batteries in a dry, safe location away from children and pets.

Replace dead batteries immediately and always discard batteries carefully.

Replacing a battery on BTE or RIC product

Replacing a battery on ITE product